Surgery Recovery: The Natural Healing Process

Pain after surgery is to be expected. After all, surgery involves the destruction of tissue by cutting through the skin, connective tissue, muscle, organs, and sometimes the bone. To the body, surgery recovery involves inflammation, accompanied by heat, swelling (edema, fluid accumulation), pain, temporary difficulty to move the involved tissue or body part, and eventually by forming a scar to bridge… Read more →

Tendinitis & Tendinosis: Inflammed Tendons

What is the difference between tendinitis and tendinosis? The two words look similar and some people may use them interchangeably. However, tendinitis and tendinosis are two separate conditions. Tendinitis refers to inflammation of the tendons. Tendinosis refers to the degeneration of those tendons, usually from chronic tendinitis. Tendinitis is caused by undue strain on tendons. Muscles attach to bones via… Read more →

Help For Breastfeeding Problems

There are so many benefits from breastfeeding. Breastfeeding is nature’s way of providing nourishment ideally suited to the newborn child.  It helps mom and child to bond, soothes both of them, and provides immunological protection in the form of mom’s antibodies until the infant’s own immune system matures. Breastfeeding has direct health benefits to the mom as well.  Oxytocin released… Read more →