There are so many benefits from breastfeeding.
Breastfeeding is nature’s way of providing nourishment ideally suited to the newborn child. It helps mom and child to bond, soothes both of them, and provides immunological protection in the form of mom’s antibodies until the infant’s own immune system matures.
Breastfeeding has direct health benefits to the mom as well. Oxytocin released during breastfeeding initiates gentle contractions of the uterus which reduces the chance of postpartum hemorrhage and helps the uterus to return to normal size. Moreover, regular breastfeeding helps the mother to shed the extra pounds gained during pregnancy. Breast milk is not only highly nutritious but also high in calories.
Because of these benefits, it is sad when mothers and their babies experience breastfeeding problems.
But breastfeeding problems are common.
Breastfeeding, while natural, is not always easy at the beginning. While there are many reasons for breastfeeding problems, I’m only listing the more common ones.
- The mom may experience pain from engorged breasts or cracked nipples.
- The mom may be exhausted from the birth, unsure about breastfeeding, or unable to relax during breastfeeding
- The mom may still be recovering from the mental, emotional, or physical trauma of giving birth
- Medical intervention such as medications, epidural anesthesia, labor induction, or a cesarean section may affect hormonal balance and the process of breastfeeding
- The baby may not be able to latch on to the breast because they are engorged, or the nipples are flattened or inverted.
- The infant may have structural problems related to the birth process, such as a stuck vomer (part of the nasal septum) or palate (roof of the mouth), that may affect his/her ability to latch on properly, or efficiently suck on the nipple.
- The baby may be in pain or discomfort from the birth process, especially the use of forceps, suction cups (vacuum extraction), or being pulled out by the shoulder, or any other body part. Hence certain positions during breastfeeding may not be comfortable for the baby.
Craniosacral therapy can help alleviate breastfeeding problems.
Craniosacral therapy can help both the mother and the child to participate in and benefit from breastfeeding. This exceedingly gentle therapy helps to relax the body and mind, release tensions related to birth trauma, and rebalance the energy flow to promote physical, mental, and emotional health in both.
Craniosacral therapy thus is invaluable in helping the mother and baby to recover from the birthing process, reduce breastfeeding problems, and thereby help to establish a healthy, loving relationship between mother and child.