Fibromyalgia results from energy congestion in the meridians.
Fibromyalgia is the result of impaired energy flow in the body’s meridians. The meridians carry primal energy to all the cells, tissues, organs, and other structures of the body, like electric wires bring electricity to all the outlets in your house. Without electricity, your appliances, lights, heat/air conditioner, entertainment centers, and computers won’t work. So it is with the body: no primal energy, no life.
Electric wires malfunction when they become frayed, twisted, loose, or compressed. The same happens to the meridians. The fascia (a form of connective tissue) envelops every structure of the body, including blood vessels, nerves, lymph vessels, and meridians. Its consistency varies from soft as gel to hard as bone.
With physical trauma, illness, inflammation, and just plain living, the fascia may become harder, lumpy, and sticky, losing its elasticity and resilience. Consequently, all the structures within it (down to the individual cell) become restricted, similar to being in a straight jacket, resulting in restricted movement, stiffness of joints, decreased blood and lymph flow, inconsistent nerve conduction, and impaired energy flow. The result is fibromyalgia.
Fibromyalgia is felt as tenderness or pain in the acupoints.
The tender points associated with fibromyalgia are actually acupoints on the lung, small intestine, gallbladder, bladder, stomach, spleen, and triple warmer meridians. When energy becomes stuck, we can feel it as tenderness or pain in the acupoints.
The tender points correspond to the following acupoints and associated symptoms:
- St 10 — on the sternocleidomastoid muscle (SCM) in the front of the neck — sore, swollen throat, difficulty breathing (dyspnea)
- St 15 — between the first and second rib — cough, difficulty breathing, chest pain, chest distention
- Lu 5 — by the elbow on the side of the thumb — cough, coughing blood, asthma, fullness in chest, tightness of elbow (hypertonicity of muscles attaching to the humerus above the elbow), elbow pain, tidal fever
- Sp 10 — inner aspect of the knee — irregular menses (periods), pain on inner aspect of the thigh
- Tb 15 — shoulder and arm pain, stiff neck, fever, chills, heat without sweating
- SI 12 — pain in shoulder blade
- SI 13 — stiff neck, neck pain
- SI 14 — as above
- SI 15 — cough, asthma, shoulder and back pain
- Bl 9 — at the back of the head (occiput) where the neck starts — headaches, eye pain and redness, nasal congestion, stiff neck
- Bl 53 — at the dimples in the low back (sacroiliac joint) — abdominal bloating, back pain
- Bl 54 — right below Bl 53 — lumbosacral (lower back) pain, hemorrhoids
- Gb 30 — at the hip joint — lumbar (low back) pain, hip pain, weakness of legs
Alternative medicine can help re-establish and rebalance the flow of energy.
Chinese medicine uses acupressure and acupuncture to re-establish and rebalance the flow of energy to treat fibromyalgia.
Craniosacral therapy and energetic unwinding of the spine, joints & muscles help the body to release the restrictions within the fascia, thus opening up the meridians and letting the energy flow again. These therapies are extremely gentle, noninvasive, and very effective.